QUIT! Stop, give up, give in to critics and take no for an answer. However you put it, quitting is the best way to ensure you won't succeed. The best way to succeed is to keep going! Even when it's tough. Even when the odds seem to be against you. When it feels like your whole life is full of rejection, keep going! If there is anything I have learned on this roller coaster ride that is the road to entrepreneurship, it is to not give up. If you're pursuing a dream, working on a hobby that you want to turn into a business, writing your first book or just striving to be better at something - the key to getting good at it is to not quit. This applies to any goal you're trying to achieve, personal and professional. We all have the same amount of hours in the day, it is our choice on how we use them. When pursuing a difficult goal, giving up will usually cross our minds - because it is HARD! It requires work, discipline and sacrifice, but if you want it bad enough it is totally worth it. Here are a few tips to help you keep going: 1. Write down specifically what you want to achieve and more importantly - WHY. Keep that greater reason front and center in your mind and in your decision making. That way, when giving up seems to be an option, you can make the choice based on your greater goal as opposed to just how you feel in the moment. 2. Keep a record of your progress. It is easy to focus on the negative, and forget all the positive things and little wins we have had along the way to a greater goal. All the baby steps matter; document them, celebrate them and use them as motivation to not give up. 3. Get support! Find people who believe in you and your dream, even when you don't. It could be joining a group of people in the same situation as you and encouraging each other and learning from each other, finding a close friend who can act as an accountability partner who lovingly checks in on you to remind you of your goals and your why and asks for updates, or hiring a professional coach to help you meet your goals and make progress. There are multiple cliches and motivational quotes that I could bring up here.... But one of my favorites is found in the wisdom of Dory from the movie Finding Nemo - "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming!" I hope you get this song stuck in your head and repeat it to yourself when you feel like giving up! What are you swimming towards? I'd love to hear about your goals and dreams in the comments.
I have been learning a lot about the power of our thoughts and the subconscious mind. I recently read "As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen and highly recommend checking it out - it is available free to download for Kindle. I also saw the video below by Dr. Sharon Melnick on how to change your negative thoughts and redirect the "captain" of your ship, aka your subconscious mind. So I want to ask, who is the captain of your ship? What direction is it steering your life? Of the 60,000 thoughts you have a day, how many are taking you in the direction of your dreams? As I have become more aware of the power of my own thinking, I have been paying attention to how I talk to and about myself. I am sad to admit, but it's not always that pretty. In fact, I can be downright terrible to myself! I am not saying that we should become ego maniacs, or not work to improve ourselves - on the contrary. I am saying to be constructive and encouraging to ourselves and speak kindly to ourselves about our strengths, weaknesses and expectations. Invest in ourselves and make commitments to become better versions of us, but don't belittle, hate or discourage the version we are now. If you haven't thought much about it, take some time to listen to how you "talk to yourself" in your head. What kinds of things do you say to you? Do you lift yourself up or tear yourself down? Do you have an "I can't" mentality or "How can I"? What orders are your crew members taking from your captain? Please share your thoughts, experiences and discuss in the comments. Hey friends, it has been a while. After a long trip, and a lot of work on getting my businesses into gear I am back and ready to focus. So, I thought what better to write about than that... This is just as much for me as it is for you! Detail planning, to do lists, focusing on one thing at a time - these are not my strength areas. Big picture plans, dreaming, visioning, I got that down! It's the details in the doing where I get lost. Overwhelmed. Stuck in analysis paralysis. Even deciding what to blog about was leading me down that road...So I decided to write about just that. Some days I feel like there are so many things I need to do that I just can't seem to decide what to do first and where my attention needs to be. I lack FOCUS. Next thing I know, the day is gone, yet I haven't accomplished much of what I wanted to because I have jumped from one thing to the next and have not given the time and attention to the most important thing for that day. I realize this issue or flaw of mine is too important to ignore and if I want to lead a better life, help others become better and live a better story, I need to get focused in order to add value to more people. Fortunately for me, there are people who have been there, done that and came up with a solution. I found just such a resource yesterday from one of my favorite authors, Donald Miller. What I like about this resource is the positivity built into the structure. I like that it sets you up for wins and includes your guiding purpose front and center every day. I also like the flexibility because I am by nature not very structured. This tool provides needed structure to be productive, but in my own way. I am taking the 30 day challenge to increase my productivity and work on my FOCUS! Click here to get the (FREE) tool. Is this something you struggle with too? Please share in the comments what has helped you get focus and be more productive! “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” Doing something new and different is hard. Whether it is changing careers after 15 years, starting a family, or quitting a steady job to start your own business or become a surfer in Costa Rica, it all takes courage, vulnerability, maybe a little bit of crazy and a lot of determination. But many times the risk and the cost to take those first steps toward your dream is so worth it when you look back at the end of your first year and think, man I am so glad I did this because the sleepless nights are worth it every time I see that baby smile, or work doesn't even feel like work anymore. Following your passion can be scary and risky and difficult but it is worth it! When I coach people, one of the things I hear myself saying over and over is, nobody wants to be or should be miserable at work, so figure out what you love and do that. People usually then tell me many excuses or reasons why they can't. But after we work though some of those "reasons", what it boils down to at the core usually is FEAR. We are afraid of what people will think of us, we are afraid of not making ends meet, we are afraid of failing and countless other things. In order to get over those fears, we need to develop the courage to look deep into ourselves and see what the source of the fear truly is, and then identify what the worst case scenarios might be. Really think through those what ifs. And most of the times, they then figure out the what ifs can be overcome, they aren't as devastating as we thought they might be. My twitter friend Jon Acuff has a new book that just came out called Start. One of the tag lines is "punch fear in the face." How awesome is that?! I absolutely love this line and I love saying it to people. Watch the video below and think about what you want to start. If you want to take the concept further you can attend the Start Conference in Nashville this September. Happy starting, Anna |
Anna OlsonThis is where I share resources, tips and nerd out on communication and leadership. Archives
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